GP mythbuster 105: Do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation (DNACPR)

This mythbuster aims to reduce confusion clarify, signpost and share guidance for providers. It aims help providers manage and maintain effective oversight of DNACPR decisions.

Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) is also known as:

Throughout this mythbuster we use the term DNACPR for consistency.

Discussions and decisions about resuscitation may be recorded on specific DNACPR forms.

They also may be included on tools such as:

CQC DNACPR thematic review ‘Protect, Respect, Connect’

In October 2020, the Department for Health and Social Care commissioned us to conduct a thematic review into these concerns. Our review looked at how DNACPR decisions were made in the context of advance care planning. It covered all types of health and care sectors. We included care homes, primary care and hospitals.

Our findings highlighted three areas which needed focus:

Our report showed there were concerns that DNACPR decisions were being applied to groups of people. This was instead of taking each person’s individual circumstances into account. Concerns were around making sure: